We will not walk in fear, one of another.
Frequently Asked Questions
What dates are performances of Good Night, and Good Luck?
Good Night, and Good Luck runs on Broadway from March 12 2025 to June 8 2025.
Where is Good Night, and Good Luck playing?
Good Night, and Good Luck is playing at the Winter Garden Theatre, which is located at 1634 Broadway, New York, NY 10019. More information can be found on the venue page.
How much do tickets cost?
Tickets begin at $99, including fees.
What is the age recommendation?
Good Night, and Good Luck is recommended for ages 13 and above.
How long is the show?
Estimated run time will be confirmed nearer to performances.
What is the maximum number of tickets per person?
Tickets are limited to 9 per person.
Can larger groups of 10+ book?
For groups of 10 or more, please call 866-302-0995 or visit broadwayinbound.com for tickets.
Does the venue have wheelchair access?
Wheelchair-accessible viewing locations and companion seating are available in the orchestra on the ground level. There is no elevator to the upper levels.